Monday, March 16, 2015

R.E. Birth by Thomas W. Everson

'Do you like time travel? Sci-fi and fantasy? R.E.birth is free all week from 3/16 to 3/20! Download your copy for Kindle and start the adventure!...

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Now the Doubt Comes

This isn't my first go round in the publishing world.  Last year at this time I was trying to regain my rights of several books and was blessed that the friends I made during that time helped me out.  But whether I am self-publishing, with a publisher, or writing a paper for a class that same feeling of self doubt comes creeping in.  I follow many authors on facebook and twitter and when I see their successes I celebrate too, but then I I wasting my time?  I have about a week of asking myself this question and today while cleaning out a bag I found a folded up note.  A note I wrote almost eight years ago.  And it reminded me why I write.
I titled it:  It's My Life and I am Going to Laugh
I sit in my mini van waiting to pick up my kids and I try to open my eyes to the world around me.  Literally open them and take in the beauty surrounding me.  Mountains, spring flowers, all the colors.  So often I have focused on the now and the next activity and bypass all the beauty of the world. Seeing is a gift.
I should preface this with the fact there isn't a beginning or an end to this story.  You see I am a teacher by trade, a mom, and a wife.  Two weeks ago I was told I couldn't work anymore.  I have a n illness that prevents me from returning to the environment I was in.  So now I sit back and ask myself...why had God put this opportunity before me.  At first I thought it was so I could sleep, but when you have an infinite opportunity to do don't really want to do it anymore.  I moved to the next possibility.  Maybe it was so I could be a better mom?  During my illness I was unable to take care of my family and maybe this was a chance to do that.  But after I cleaned and organized and cooked--that wasn't it either.  The family appreciated my attempt but my mom status didn't improve.  Then one day I was listening to Positive Life Radio and a song spoke to me.  It was called Seize the Day, and God told me to write.  But about what?

Post 2 coming soon